9 Benefits of Honey Few People Talk About

Made by bees to use as food, honey has many properties that make it useful for not only human consumption as a great addition to food but as a tasty home remedy as well. This is because it has antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties. What is more, honey does not have any of the side effects you often find with manufactured medications that perform similar tasks. The benefits of honey are many and varied.

So, what exactly, besides tasting sweet and making a great addition to cooking when you need a sweetener, does honey have?

The Many Benefits of Honey

Honey has many well-known and less well-known benefits. We will look at a few.

Immune System Booster

Your immune system is constantly bombarded with bacteria and other pathogens. It needs to work hard to help you stay healthy. The antioxidant and antibacterial properties of honey can give your immune system the boost it needs by fighting off infections caused by these foreign pathogens. Consumed daily and over a long period, these beneficial properties of honey will help your immune system keep you healthy. Taking some with your breakfast each morning will help you start the day on the right track.

A Great Cough Remedy

Honey has been used as a cough remedy for centuries. And research shows that this age-old remedy works as it reduces throat irritation. Many cough syrups made for children contain honey. So, if you want to get a good night’s sleep but can’t due to coughing, take a spoonful and enjoy some uninterrupted rest.

Promotes Quality Sleep

You don’t only have to consider honey before bedtime if you have a cough, though. Adding a spoonful of honey to warm milk will also encourage a better night’s rest. You see, honey promotes the release of melatonin. This hormone, released in the brain, promotes sleep and allows your body to restore itself at night. 

Promotes Brain Health

Honey promotes the release of certain hormones in the brain and thus helps you retain your mental abilities later in life. It increases your memory and calms and soothes the brain. The antioxidant properties of honey also help prevent the death of and promote the creation of, certain cells involved with memory.

A Great Skin Healer

People suffering from eczema may find relief from using a honey mask. Use the honey as is or mix it with some organic, cold-pressed olive oil and leave it on your face or other affected areas of the body for fifteen to thirty minutes before washing off. Honey is also a natural cleanser. It not only cleans your skin but leaves it feeling silky smooth and soft.

People with dry skin can also benefit from the application of raw honey. It is a natural moisturizer that addresses dry skin. Applying it to chapped lips and cracked heals during the winter will help address these issues. Furthermore, the natural antiseptic properties found in honey will prevent affected areas from becoming infected.

Wound Healing

The antifungal, antibacterial, and antioxidant properties of honey makes it ideal for wound healing. It also helps in the case of burns. Honey kills off foreign pathogens likely to infect these areas.

Promotes Periodontal Health

Honey promotes periodontal, i.e., gum health. Many mouth issues relate to gum diseases like gingivitis, for example. Honey promotes hydrogen peroxide release in your mouth. Hydrogen peroxide, which has antimicrobial properties, prevents bacterial growth. You can thus either dilute some honey in your mouthwash or rub it onto affected gum areas to help address gum issues.

A Natural Dandruff Remedy

Honey moistures dry hair, smooths hair, and softens hair. But when massaged into the scalp, its various properties can help eliminate dandruff and the causes of the condition. By mixing equal amounts of honey and organic, cold-pressed olive oil and massaging it into your scalp, you may soon experience shiny hair without any dandruff flakes. Leave the remedy on for about twenty minutes before rinsing and washing your hair with shampoo.

Weight Management

Taking some honey in the morning and evening before bed may help with weight management issues. You can take it as is or dilute it in some water or milk before drinking. You can also add it as a sweetener to your coffee or tea instead of sugar. Honey helps to increase your metabolism. As a result, your body burns fat.

In Closing

The benefits of honey are too many to mention. So, if in a situation where you want to stick to something natural, try using honey. It has no side effects. Do, however, remember that people allergic o bee stings should first consult their healthcare provider before using honey. You should also not give honey to infants under a year old.

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