11 Nutrients that makes Sidr Honey so Special


A honey with a characteristically darker color, Sidr honey is made from the nectar of the flowers of the Sidr tree (Ziziphus spina Christi, L. Willd.) Many people consider this an elite honey, and once you have smelled and tasted it, it is not difficult to understand why.

The flowers of the Sidr tree are highly aromatic. This is carried through to the honey. The whole tree, however, has many beneficial health properties that one even finds in the nectar. These beneficial properties tend to be found in Sidr honey as well. So, not does the honey itself have beneficial properties of itself, but they are further enhanced by the nectar from which bees make the honey.

What Makes The Sidr Tree So Special?

Although most populous in Yemen, the Sidr tree also grows in other Middle Eastern Countries like Saudi Arabia and even the Potohar region of Pakistan. People living in Yemen have, for centuries, used all parts of the tree for medicinal purposes. Furthermore, all parts of these trees contain an amazing variety of nutrients – including the nectar. These include:

  • Protein: Promotes muscle and bone health, increases metabolism, and helps lower blood pressure levels.
  • Carbohydrates: Essential for brain, heart, central nervous system, and kidney health.
  • Fat: Helps with the absorption of vitamins A, D, and E.
  • Potassium: Helps balance your body fluids at a cellular level.
  • Magnesium: Plays a key role in hundreds of your body’s biochemical reactions, promotes heart health, fights against depression, and has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Iron: Plays a role in growth and development and is essential for hemoglobin formation.
  • Copper: Needed to make red blood cells and promotes the health of your immune and nervous systems.
  • Zinc: Promotes immune system and metabolic function. Also fights inflammation.
  • Manganese: Plays a role in blood sugar regulation, the absorption of calcium, your ability to metabolize carbohydrates and fats, and promotes normal nerve and brain function. It also helps with the formation of bones and connective tissue and sex hormone production.
  • Phosphorus: Plays a key role in bone and teeth formation. Also in your body’s use of fats and carbohydrates and its ability to utilize protein.
  • Sulfur: Promote cell health and is needed to build and repair DNA.
  • Calcium: Builds and maintains bone health. Also helps protect against cancer, diabetes, and hypertension.

Why You Should Use Sidr Honey

Sidr honey has all the beneficial qualities of other types of honey. It has the same beneficial antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. This means it fights free radicals and protects against microbes. But what makes it special is the beneficial properties gained from the nectar used by the bees to make their honey. This makes it so popular in Ayurvedic medicine. In fact, many people who practice Ayurvedic medicine make use of Sidr honey as part of their patients’ recovery regime.

A Word Of Caution When Using Sidr Honey

It is not recommended that you give Sidr, or any other honey, to children under the age of twelve months. People who have bee or honey allergies should also not use this honey, no matter its many health benefits. Although Sidr honey helps balance blood sugar levels, diabetics should still use it in moderation.

In Closing

Sidr honey has a unique color and aroma that stems from the nectar of Sidr tree flowers. A staple in Ayurvedic medicine, this honey has many potential health benefits and is delicious in foods or drinks as well. Even those in the beauty industry take advantage of the many beneficial properties of this type of honey. You find it in both hair care and skin care products.

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