Not only teenagers get pimples. People can get these unsightly pustules at all stages of their lives. Many women suffer from pimple breakouts when they reach the age of menopause because of hormonal issues. Using honey for pimples has become a talking point, however. But does it really work?
You will find numerous pimple medications and topical creams in drug stores that claim to stop pimples in their tracks. Yet many of these pimple cures have chemicals that could damage your skin. What is more, people suffering from pimples or acne breakouts are often left with scarred tissue.
Interestingly, you will increasingly find honey listed as an ingredient in various skin care creams. This is because of honey’s soothing effect on the skin as well as its many beneficial qualities.
Why Use Honey For Pimples?
The many beneficial qualities of honey as well as its specific actions on the skin make it imminently suitable for dealing with pimples.
Inflammation is something commonly found during pimple breakouts. Honey has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. These beneficial properties work gently on the skin. In so doing, you will not experience any skin irritation when using honey.
Furthermore, honey contains glucuronic acid. Glucuronic acid, when applied to the skin, turns into glucose oxidase. Glucose oxidase, in turn, transforms into hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide works very much like benzoyl peroxide. We often find the latter in various products used to address acne and pimples.
Addresses Acne
You can describe acne as pimples going into overdrive. Many people who suffer from acne also get acne scars. The various compounds in honey kill bacteria causing acne while speeding up healing.
The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of honey may also help deal with the inflammation commonly experienced during an acne breakout.
Exfoliation clears pores and suppresses the buildup of oils and dead skin cells that may contribute to a pimple breakout. Honey has a gentle exfoliation activity that is unlike that of harsh traditional scrubs and exfoliators.
Besides gently exfoliating, the properties of honey help your skin look smoother while balancing your skin’s pH levels. Balanced pH levels on the skin decrease the likelihood of your skin’s natural moisture barrier becoming compromised. This, in turn, reduces the incident of irritations that may promote pimples from forming.
Oil Production
Most store-bought cleansers strip the skin’s natural oils. Your skin may, as a result, increase its oil production to make up for this. This increase in oil production could increase your risk of pimples or acne.
Honey balances your skin’s pH balance, maintains its natural moisture barrier, and helps to moderate oil production.
People prone to pimples or acne breakouts tend to avoid using moisturizers in the belief they will add to the problem. But even oily skin can become dehydrated. Dehydrated skin tends to suffer from irritation and excessive oil production more than properly moisturized skin. This type of skin also tends to suffer from more pimple breakouts.
Honey, however, can moisturize skin without clogging pores. It maintains the moisture barrier due to its high sugar content that promotes hydration. Using honey for pimples when an outbreak occurs may help with the problem and speed up the healing process as well.
How To Use Honey For Pimples
Using honey for pimples is not difficult. You can make it part of your daily skincare routine.
Many products contain honey for its many beneficial properties. But you can use raw honey for pimples as well. The easiest way is to dab a little honey on a pimple the moment it rears its head. You can also massage a little raw honey into your face once a day. You simply apply it, massage your face gently, and then rinse it off with warm water. Alternatively, use honey like you would any face mask. To do this, simply leave it on your face for about ten minutes before washing it off.
You could, of course, add other beneficial ingredients to your honey before using it on your face if you wish. Good choices include oatmeal or yoghurt. Once again, you simply wash it off afterwards.
In Closing
Many of us have, for years, suffered from pimple outbreaks or acne. And many of us have unsightly scars left as a result.
While store-bought remedies may help with the situation, they may dry out your skin or cause additional damage. What is more, pimples and acne, especially, often cause unsightly scarring. Honey for pimples and acne may help you deal with pimples and acne while promoting healthy skin without scars.